Ep 97: Chef Sara Hosford - Pleasure in the Kitchen

Meet Chef Sara Hosford who shifted me from thinking cooking was a chore...to feeling like being in the kitchen is a pleasurable experience

Chef Sara get ours hands dirty (but not contaminated!) taking us into the kitchen with some easy hacks and tips. From saving money, to getting the best ingredients, to having delicious meals that take no time at all...this episode is full of practical tips and food for thought (pun intended!)

​What You'll Learn in this Episode

  • Shortcuts, tips, and tricks in cooking

  • What Interactive Cooking Experience is

  • How to pick the right tomatoes or produce

  • When to take something out of the oven

Nuggets of Wisdom from Sara

  • "I think you have to really enjoy the concept of bringing pleasure to others. It is all about kind of the whole full service effect... But mostly, it's just about that pleasure aspect. You want to kind of touch your customer's senses, and then of course to leave my customer's home knowing that there is a delicious meal set forth in front of them, knowing that now they're going to really sit back and really taste the flavors because they put so much effort and energy into what you created."

  • "On a prep day, maybe set aside 2 hours for yourself in the kitchen, say on a Sunday afternoon, to kind of get your weekly menu set up and ready to go. Cause there's truly nothing worse than coming home after being on your feet for 8 or 10 hours and in coming home and just feeling devastated because there's absolutely nothing ready to go."

  • "I hope that you would walk away from the grocery store with the product in your basket that makes you excited to eat it."

  • "I want the experience to be absolutely fantastic. And so sometimes that means deviations from the recipe are necessary."

  • "A recipe is just a roadmap. While you are navigating the recipe, it is totally up to you if you want to take a detour or if you want to merge over here. You  have to have that confidence level and knowing that just because the recipe says x y and z, maybe you don't have access to y. Just go ahead and do it. And it's still gonna taste really really good. And that's where having a little bit of confidence in the kitchen really pays itself forward."

  • "The prepackaged concept is it's just placating the fact that we are very busy people. And we are. We are very busy busy people, but we also have to think about our vessel, which is our bodies. And that is you have to put in really good ingredients to fill your body appropriately."

Links from this Episode


Ep 98: Future (F-word Monologue)


Ep 96: Failure (F-word Monologue)