It’s time to get Wealthy AF

Are you ready for the ultimate freedom to live your Wealthy AF Life? Join me for a three month journey to be empowered around your finances and wealth mindset. 

As a self-made millionaire (with a father who grew up in a village in India), I know what it takes to create the wealth, freedom, and safety you crave -- and to do it quickly and easily.

Join me for 3 months of coaching where we will deep dive into your finanical portfolio and create your wealth plan so that you can live

Wealthy AF!

What’s Included:

  • Financial Portfolio Template - this will be the snapshot of your current finances but will be the easiest tool you’ll use to watch your net worth grow

  • 90-min Coaching Call to go over where you are in your wealth journey

  • Creation of your Wealth Plan to identify your goals and actions

  • Action plan with accountability to complete

  • 3-months of personal Voxer access to Shazia

  • 90-min Follow-up call to review Financial Portfolio and Wealth Plan to determine next steps

Results from Past Clients:

  • Going to debt zero (debt of $100k+ has been wiped away in less than one year!)

  • Increased Net Worth

  • Annual revenue tripled

  • Buying home(s)

  • Student loans forgiven to zero!

  • Retirement funds set on autopilot with ROI projected to be $1 million plus

  • Traveling, dining out, shopping with joy and feeling carefree

  • Increased Credit Score (by 100+ points!)

  • Confidence to say yes AND no to financial decisions

  • Ease and comfort in dealing with money, numbers and wealth

  • Elimination of shame and generational trauma around money

Success Stories

  • Aliyah, Diplomat and Mom

    Picture this: My first job out of college and I was making $33K in the DC area (!), had managed to amass $55K in debt, and felt like I was drowning. I hadn't grown up with great examples of money management and watched people around never save, declare bankruptcy, and constantly fret about money. Forget financial literacy - there was too much shame and cultural baggage around the topic of money for me to have learned anything useful.

    In stepped Shazia, who may as well have been wearing a cape - because she saved the day, and probably my life as a result of what she gave me. It wasn't just clear guidance on how to create a plan to pay off debt (it wasn't easy but it worked and I was debt free in two years!). It wasn't helping me set up a spending spreadsheet which, yes, decades later, I still use. Rather, it was the gift of power and confidence around money that had the greatest impact on me.

    I learned from Shazia that I didn't have to be a "victim" of money, but rather that I could control it to make it work for me. I've seen her work similar magic with countless others...she has an amazing way of understanding a situation very well, and helping to make the complex appear simple - and therefore not intimidating or overwhelming. 

    My life today is a far cry from the scared woman drowning in debt: I own two properties (one paid off), have investments for retirement, pay my bills every month never paying a penny in interest, and travel whenever I want.  What's even better than all those things is today I feel empowered about finances and money, and can give my own children something I didn't have: a positive example and financial tools and literacy, all thanks to her coaching. I highly recommend Shazia's coaching to everyone, especially those from situations where culture and family dynamics may have complicated your relationship with money, so you can get on a more healthy and prosperous path to your future.

  • Christina Miglino, Founder, The Mystery School of Intuitive Intelligence

    Before I started coaching with Shazia, I was scared of my finances. I paid as little attention as possible to the money I had in the bank and I was always afraid there was never enough. I was also in considerable debt and had no investment accounts to speak of. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. My situation was not because I was negligent. It was because I grew up without much and I was never taught anything about money.

    Within just 1 year working with Shazia, I had shifted everything. I have substantial money in investments, I am almost debt-free and bought my first house! Of course, this isn’t about the money. It is about the energy behind it. Shazia supported me with understanding that it was important for me to have a relationship with my money and to give it a job! Money is a precious energetic gift that can be used for incredible purpose.

    I am beyond grateful for my time working with Shazia, her coaching was invaluable!

    I’d recommend Shazia's program to anyone who is ready to shift their relationship to money and themselves. Not only do I feel empowered and excited about my finances now, I also feel more joy and abundance than ever! Thank you dear Shazia! You changed my life forever!

  • A'magine, Director & Producer of At Your Cervix

    Shazia has a confidence and knowledge about money that most women do not. She has done the work to get clear inside herself and in turn, is able to help other women get clear about their money disalignments and about the real, practical steps they need to take to make and keep their coins!

    Shazia guided and supported me to get clear about my money and to make a plan for getting debt-free and to start investing consciously. She helped me alleviate the shame I felt and sure enough, with focus and determination, I got out of debt, set up investment accounts and could see and track my progress towards financial freedom. I am forever grateful for Shazia’s power and generosity.

  • Tina Medina, Founder and Lead Visionary of The Vibe Movement

    I had this assumption that I couldn't afford to work with someone to help me with my wealth building and mindset. After working with Shazia for 9 months, I realized how could I NOT afford this?

    I needed help. I felt like money was always pouring out and I could never get ahead on some goals I had. I realized first things first - I needed to work on my mindset. Add that to some great logistical guidance and before I knew it I was passing my goals and setting new ones.

    In the time we worked together, I tripled my income (yes, you read that right!), raised my credit score 50 points, paid off about $60,000 in debt, started several savings/retirement accounts, automated much of my finances so I didn't have to spend so much time thinking about it all each month, and best of all - I stayed open to the many miracles that just kept showing up after I made the decision to invest in myself at this level - like my $75,000 worth of student loans that were magically forgiven. 

    So if you are on the fence about getting support with your money mindset and living your dreamiest wealthy AF life, then get off the fence and sign up with Shazia. It'll change your life forever.