Ep 96: Failure (F-word Monologue)

Ugh, I hate this more than anything. FAILURE. And you may too.

Here's the radical truth though, Beautiful. If you allow the fear of failure, messing up, or getting it 'wrong' stop you...you'll be stuck where you're at forever. And that doesn't feel good. Success is on the outside of your comfort zone. Taking the risk is what will get you to the place to what you're longing for.

Listen in to hear the 4 ways to move past failure that anyone can do! And you ESPECIALLY get to do!

​What You'll Learn in this Episode

  • 4 ways to move past failure

  • Why I had to get rid of my 'crystal ball'

  • The truth behind Sara Blakely's (founder of Spanx) success

Nuggets of Wisdom from Shazia

  • ​On the other side of leaning into failure is success 

  • You are being selfish if you don't share your gifts/talents with the world

  • There are no overnight successes, it takes commitment and vision to make it


Ep 97: Chef Sara Hosford - Pleasure in the Kitchen


Ep 95: Polly Alexandre - Money Beautifully