12-Week Coaching Program: Be YOU to FULL!

Be the woman who is so herself, you can’t help attracting it all!

It's time to dive into a journey of self-discovery like never before. Join Shazia Imam for an intimate 12-week group coaching program designed to help you see yourself in your fullness and create the space to be authentically YOU.

What's in Store

  • Magnetize by Being YOU: Imagine being YOU, unapologetically. This program is about allowing yourself to be as big as you want to go. It's an intimate space, a magical haven for like-minded women who, like you, are special and destined for something big.

  • Harness Your Personal Leadership: Learn the art of leading in your own life. This journey is about stepping into your power, navigating challenges with confidence, and being the leader you were born to be.

  • Experience Time Expanding: Ever felt there's never enough time? As you become more of yourself, watch time expand. It's not just a clock ticking; it's an energetic shift, giving you the breathing room to live fully. And do what you want WHEN you want ;)

  • Greater Confidence: Confidence comes naturally when you embrace your true self. Get ready to stand tall in your authenticity and radiate confidence from the inside out.

  • Learn How to Trust Yourself: Trust is the foundation of growth. Through powerful techniques, you'll cultivate a deep sense of trust in yourself, your decisions, and your unique journey.

  • Strangers Who Become Sisters: Connect with a community of like-minded women. Together, we'll create a space where you can be as big as you desire, and I can hold that space for you.

  • Miracles That Can't Be Quantified Yet: Miracles happen. I've witnessed unexplainable transformations with every client. It's about trusting the Divine perfection of what's meant for you.

What's Included

  • Live Coaching Calls: you'll have direct coaching from Shazia and also learn from the coaching of others that will unlock and evoke what's been waiting to be unleashed!

    • 60-minute calls every Wednesday from September 25th - December 11th @12pm EST (join during your lunch break if you need to - full permission to add this as a meeting on your calendar :))

      • Integration weeks will be on October 16th and November 27th. These two dates won't have live coaching calls to allow time for integration of the learning and space for US holiday/travel schedules. 

  • Guided Visualizations: Immerse yourself in transformative visualizations, unlocking your inner potential.

  • Personality Tests: Dive into tools like the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, and a personality test you've never even heard of or done before (I know this fo sho!)...gaining profound insights into yourself.

  • Fun Play (No Homework): Enjoy playful activities related to your journey and expanding yourself. This isn't about adding stress; it's about having fun.

  • Accountability: Stay on track with accountability structures that ensure progress towards your goals.

  • Dream Team: Connect with a supportive community of women who are also playing big so you can take up as much space as you want with your greatness! I attract a very certain kind of powerful woman so if you’ve been looking for people who are at your level, then this the space for you!

  • Confidentiality: Create a safe space for vulnerability. What happens in the room stays in the room. 


  • Journey Journal: Receive a beautiful journal to use throughout this journey (and beyond!)

  • Dream Team: Connect with a supportive community of women who are also playing big so you can take up as much space as you want with your greatness!

  • WhatsApp Group: The only group you'll want to be in! ;) Stay connected to your cohort throughout the program and Shazia will be popping in there too with special nuggets for you. (This was a group favorite because the coaching calls focused on learning and coaching by Shazia and then the group connected and supported each other outside of those calls)

  • Personality Tests: All personality tests are included in the program (including the paid ones!) Just join the cohort and I'll take care of the rest :)

Success Stories

​Here's what some incredible women have experienced from my coaching in her own words:

"​When you check so many boxes of what a good life should look like, it's hard to understand why it still feels like it's just not quite right. When I decided to start working with Shazia, that was precisely my problem. I knew there was some sort of block from me reaching my full potential; I just didn't know what it is. But week after week, as the aha moments piled on, things just opened up. Shazia helped me identify small and big practices that connected my thoughts and actions more seamlessly, and that made me feel more connected to my core. I just felt happier. My outlook on the world became more positive. I felt more whole. 

I recommend Shazia to anyone who just wants to take ownership over her life again. Regain control of who she was once, but elevate it further to who she wants to be."

- Farha

"Before I started coaching with Shazia, I had been growing and healing but had reached a painful plateau where I felt stuck, frustrated and confused. Money was tight, I was feeling suffocated by my kids, and my business was stagnant, in general I was feeling like everything I was doing wasn't good enough. I knew so much about the way I wanted to be but I couldn't get myself to become that version of me. 

She helped me reframe my mindset, understand my underlying attitude and most importantly relax. Shazia is an incredibly skilled coach, she truly listens to you and guides you out of any circular thinking and through any challenging situation.  

After coaching with Shazia I'm receiving abundance from a host of sources, my business began to grow and I have much more compassion with myself and therefore my kids. 

I’d recommend Shazia's program to any women feeling like they are overwhelmed but at the same time know they are capable of so much more. Shazia is the biggest and best investment I've ever made in myself. There is no greater gift you can give yourself than the gift of a commitment to your own care and time."

- Zahra Aljabri, CEO of Practical Muslim

"I’d recommend Shazia‘s coaching program to anyone who is looking to reflect, grow, and step into their own power in a positive and safe group environment. With Shazia’s guidance, there is a sense of community and support that I greatly benefited from and continue to benefit from.
She gave me the space to share freely and
uncover my own limiting beliefs, so that I can feel more confident in showing up as myself, and for that I am very grateful." 

-Batul Sadiq, Founder of BHS Image Consulting


Life is demanding, and time is precious. Let's address some common questions/concerns I get:

  • "I don't have time" Your time is valuable, and I respect that. This program is designed to be a sanctuary, not a burden. One hour a week is your reprieve—time you'll look forward to. No extra work; everything is integrated into the sessions. This is about making and expanding time in your life, not taking it away.

  • "Why can't I figure this out on my own?" You absolutely can, and I believe in your capability. But consider this program a fast track, a deep dive with the right support. I've handed you the blueprint, but the program ensures you get there quicker, with fun, support, and the guidance of the coach you’ve been itching to work with (again in some cases ;)).

  • "Do I want to spend on this?" Real talk moment. I know investing in coaching is significant. However, the results are priceless. This isn't just an expense; it's an investment in your future, and the returns are immeasurable. Trust that when you invest in yourself, it always comes back. I will say from my own experience and my clients that coaching is the greatest investment with priceless ROI (return on investment)

  • "What if I don't follow through?" This isn't your typical program with arbitrary goals. It's tailored to you. You won't just have tools; you'll have an aligned path. The accountability is built in, ensuring you follow through on what truly matters to you. There's no room for not following through when it's connected to your authentic journey.

  • "Who else is in the program?" One thing I have learned in a decade of coaching is this. The women I attract are the BEST. Not in a mom, ‘I love everything about you way.’ But an actual, I am still shocked (and always pleasantly surprised) by the leaders who come to my world. This is for the woman who knows she is special and living that already…but ready to live that in the potential she knows she’s meant for. So if you’re already a 10/10 in everyone else’s world, you and I both know that isn’t even yet touching your full power…so let’s bring that out in technicolor!

Money-Back Guarantee

I'm confident this program will bring transformation. If, after showing up to the calls and participating, you genuinely feel it didn't work for you, there's a 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked. Your satisfaction and growth are my priorities.


The value of this program is worth over $6,000, but available for 1/3rd of that! I want to make this transformative journey accessible and easy so it's a soulful YES! to join! There's also a payment plan option to make it easy breezy, lemon-squeezy. Pick either option below to signup :)