The Wealth Embodied VIP Retreat

​...Imagine walking into a door that leads you into a portal...

A portal where the knowing of you are can come to life.

Not the "part of you" version you're living, but the WHOLE, BIG, POWERFUL you.

A space where you don't have to play small or worry about anything.

A space that feels naughty to be in because can life really be like that?

Yes. Yes, it can.

It's time to tap into the true wealth of who you ARE. And yes, actual money, love, purpose, and abundance will follow. (spoiler alert: wedding bells followed our last retreat!)

Have you been ready to live your wealthiest, fulfilled, most abundant life in allll the ways?​

But sometimes it feels like where do I start? What do I prioritize? What if I don't do it right? There's so many goals that are still left!

And life is going great great a lot of the time! But other times, it feels like something’s missing.

You wonder…”when will it be my turn for life to look like how it feels in my soul?

What's the clear path that will work??

You want to do more of what you love -- spending time with loved ones, making a difference, and using your potential!

And less of what kills your vibe...playing small, scrolling other people’s lives, trying to ‘figure’ it out as time just passes by...

Deep down in your heart, you KNOW feeling your best is the KEY to FULFILLMENT while FINALLY creating a bigger IMPACT, more RICHNESS and more PURPOSE in your life –


I'll answer these questions for you and it starts here --
you have to embody feeling wealthy first 
and then the path will emerge.

This is why I am bringing back my VIP Retreat aptly titled Wealth Embodied!

If you've been wanting to...

  • Feel the feeling of being free to do what you want, when you want, how you want!

  • Embody the wealthy life you desire TODAY instead of some far-away idea that's somewhere over the rainbow...

  • Be around like-minded powerhouse women for the deep connection you've been craving

  • Harness your power for the next big step you want to take in your life

  • Get away and be totally spoiled and pampered with a housekeeper and private chef cooked meals that will be an explosion of your palate and senses

  • Bask in 'Shazia' energy (which, btw is a mirror of you - the energy you see in me is dying to come out in full technicolor in you!)

  • Redefine wealth in what it means to YOU!

  • Be in the fun and magic of this retreat and you're not totally sure why but your heart is saying YES! YES! YES!



This your personal invitation to join me for an immersive, transformational, life-changing retreat to live your wealthiest life!

Here's what's included in your VIP Retreat: 

  • The sacred vortex of high-frequency, wealth energy, miracle making, magic in motion, surprise filled getaway you didn't know you needed!

  • Shazia led exercises and coaching - I will be there to hold the space and spaciousness so you can expand into your fullest self - NOTHING is too big in my universe!

  • Connection with other like-minded powerhouse women! If you've been wondering where you can find other amazing women that are soul sisters from the moment you meet, they'll be here (including you!)

  • Private Chef cooked meals by Chef Sara - this will be an explosion of your palate and your senses (imagine a food experience that feels like a hug - literally and figuratively!)

  • Dessert experience to turn on your senses and turn YOU on ;)

  • Resort-like Pool! You can roam and wade and lounge as you please :)

  • An entire home filled with spaces to getaway and be inspired, relax and/or laugh/cry with others!​ My house has been described as luxury and comfy in one!

  • Hot Tub that's completely private! It will get steamy in there (and there's also some amazing jets to relax those tired limbs) 

(Some of) The itinerary for your weekend of endless magic and miracles!

Evening of Pleasure

Chef cooked meal on a luxurious long dining table. Imagine candlelight dinner with the most beautiful women, including you! Shazia-led Intention Setting to prep you for the weekend.


Get into the hot tub to feel the deep relaxation of the jets and flow with the water...and your dreams that lie ahead. Time for leisure and laying your head back to say ahhhhhh…

PJ Party

The Slumber Party you wished you were allowed to go to! Also, this will be the adult version so all topics are allowed. Intimacy and connection at a level you’ve never experienced. ​

Dessert Decadence

Surprise activity to delight your senses and enjoy dessert in a way you've never done before! 

Blindfolds will be provided ;) xoxo

Sensual Surrender

Join a private non-PG rated dance class to unleash your inner Diva and surrender to the movement of your body. This may be your biggest stretch ever -- and you'll love it! 

And if you have a partner in your life - this will re-ignite your relationship...shhhhh....

Power Brunch

You've heard about getting a seat at the table. And this is the table that you want to be at. Mastermind with the most powerful women you will be around - including YOURSELF. 


  • Impromptu coaching from Shazia - this is the MOST exclusive access you can have to Shazia and it's in person!

  • Custom, personalized Gifts 

  • Mocktails by the pool

  • Soul sisterhood and memories - come as strangers, leave as sisters! 

  • Dream sharing and making

  • Miracles we can't even quantify yet!

"Magical is always the word that comes to mind when working with Shazia and her retreat was no exception! It was a weekend full of vibrant and contagious energy from each woman that attended. We shared our deepest desires about what wealth means to us and in her true fashion, Shazia gave us the space to step into our power. The connections we made with each other also carried on afterwards, and the support of these women is invaluable. I’m so thankful for this experience and highly recommend it to all the dreamers and doers out there!​"

- Aneesa, PA at KindBody

For your viewing pleasure - pics from the last retreat!

Actually... every picture on this entire page is from the last retreat :)

Here's the deets!

Location: Dallas, TX at Shazia's Home!

Dates: November 1-3, 2024

Time: Friday 4pm - Sunday 4pm(ish) 


  • The transformational getaway you've been craving!

  • Shazia-led activities and coaching 

  • Personal Chef cooked meals and drinks (non-alcoholic) for the entire weekend

  • Private Dance Lesson 

  • Personalized gifts

  • Connection and Miracles!

Basically, just get your beautiful self over to my house and I'll take care of the rest!

​You can secure your spot for the retreat here:

Meet the team who will hold you and bring out your Best Self in true beauty!

​Hi Beautiful! I'm Shazia, an Engineer turned ICF Certified Life Coach (PCC), award-winning speaker and host of the Top 12 Podcast - Feminine & Fulfilled! 

I left two decades of Fortune 500 Management Consulting to follow my soul's calling to help women like you unleash your full potential and live purposefully. 

As a recovering people-pleasing perfectionist, I know all too well the empty feeling even when you seem to, quote/unquote, “have it all.” After experiencing my own life fall apart after losing my son and then marriage, I realized it was a Divine push to begin living my REAL life.

​This blossomed into finding my soulmate, discovering my feminine power, and living my deep purpose...One which involves women unleashing their WHOLE selves to feel fulfilled, happy and whole.

​ ​Isn't life more fabulous that way?! :)

Chef Sara Hosford learned by about 8 years old that she wanted to be a chef. She followed her dream since and went to Scottsdale Culinary School followed by Le Cordon Bleu for her Bachelors Degree. She took her skills to becoming a Personal Chef and doing high volume Catering and Banquets. One of those events was for the Artist formerly known as Prince!

Shazia's note: Her passion is not only in cooking but in making sure you enjoy the full experience. Sara makes you feel warm and cozy with her delicious foods! Her food and presence is like a warm embrace you don't want to let go of.

​Sara took such great care of us with coursed meals, comfort food, mocktails, and plenty of snacks. All made from scratch and with love! She surprised us all (even me!) with a dessert experience that was tantalizing. And we're still talking about the fresh baked bread and orange blossom bread she made for us as a special gift to take home. I can't wait to see what surprise she has in store for us this time!

In her own words from the last retreat...

I've known Shazia for years and have always been attracted to her energy - positive, sincere, willing to help and connect people. That's why when she announced her first retreat it was a no brainer for me! 

I knew I needed it even though I didn't even know what to expect. At that point I felt stuck creatively, my business was doing well but I felt like I hit the ceiling, and I was very tired and felt locked up in the way my life looked like at the moment.

I couldn't tell why I felt this way or what was the reason, as from the outside everything was picture perfect - model mom & wife, successful business owner, growing social media... 

What really helped me at Shazia's retreat is hearing other women's stories, seeing taht I'm not the only one who feels this way, getting the encouraging feedback from Shazia and other ladies, but mostly - getting asked the right questions at the right time, taking the time and space to think, feel and dream and letting go of the guilt I've been carrying.

Shazia did a few exercises that helped me realize how much weight I've been carrying trying to be perfect and please everyone. 

So you feel like you're doing everything by the book but that doesn't make you happy - Shazia's retreat would be a great way to release all your feelings and start seeing things differently.

- Ksenia, Owner of

The first time I heard about Shazia was from posts she had written that showcased her incredible life journey. I have been on a decades-long journey of healing and manifesting in different areas of my life--and this year, my focus has been on wealth. I feel like I drew the retreat to me, so I signed up instantly. And I had several months to keep working towards what I wanted to let go of before before the retreat and what I wanted to draw into my life afterwards.

From the moment I arrived, I felt like I stepped into the bolder, wealthier version of myself (the one that had always been in the far-off, distant future). Shazia had put in so much thought into every detail that all we had to do was show up. And the group she had carefully curated was incredible--every single woman was nothing short of inspiring! After an incredible retreat (you really need to take in these magical experiences yourself first-hand!), I walked away embodying a version of myself that is softer yet stronger, emotionally vulnerable yet more powerful, and wealthier in all different ways. I also walked away with the most supportive pod of women who are cheerleading my next steps following the retreat!

After the retreat, I see the world differently--but more importantly, I see myself differently. In the past few weeks, I have faced some very unique challenges and interesting situations (the kind of things that only happen in tv shows or movies). The old version of me would have immediately gone into victim mode or tried to "solve things". Instead, I have found a deep well of compassion within me (for myself and others). I find myself being able to hold space for what shows up, and step into a bigger, bolder version of myself without having to try too hard (who knew that could be possible??). I have risen to each challenge with humor and strength. And the best part? I think turning lemons into lemonade is a worthwhile endeavor--and I'm doing it from a place of alignment instead of fear. Things aren't happening "to me" - they are happening "for me!"  

I'm presenting workshops to larger audiences at work, mentoring others, advocating for myself, looking into solid financial planning options, and evaluating new ideas and opportunities from a place of honoring my needs and desires. I know deep down that I deserve to live the life I truly desire (in the way I have been able to advocate for other people for years). I have no doubt that I will be achieving my biggest goals a lot faster now because I am aligned with them (instead of subconsciously pushing them away, as was a long-standing pattern of mine!).  

Shazia is a brilliant coach and retreat leader! If you're ready to live your big, bold, wealthy life, I highly recommend working with her immediately - she's the coach your future self is thanking for bringing your dreams to life faster than you can imagine! 

- ​Prema, Writer

Logistics & Details

Overnight accommodations will be at my (newly renovated!) luxurious and peaceful home to have the ultimate getaway and slumber party of all time! These will be shared accommodations (2 women per room) so if you want your own private space, there are ample AirBNB and Hotels nearby if you'd like to stay on your own. Don't worry, you won't miss a thing whether you stay at my house or on your own!

*Airports to fly into (both are equidistant to the retreat!)

DFW - Dallas Forth Worth International

DAL - Dallas Love Field Airport

Once you're signed up, I'll send an email with my address, alllll the details you need and connect you to the other attendees! And I have a form to make sure we know all about you before the weekend starts (specifically Chef Sara to understand all dietary restrictions :)) Speaking of food, you won't have to think about it at all once you're at my house. You'll be taken care of in allll the ways!

Arrive at my home with your suitcase and leave with a full heart :)

There are ONLY 6 spots so grab yours now! 

Any questions in the meanwhile? I'm happy to answer! Send me an email at shazia at thelifeengineer dot com (I have to write it like that to avoid the weird spammers and hacking bots!)

See you soon Beautiful! I look forward to hosting you and witnessing your most fulfilled self emerge in 2024 in full glory! It's time and has been - let's do this!

Any questions in the meanwhile? I'm happy to answer! Send me an email at

See you soon Beautiful! I look forward to hosting you and witnessing your most fulfilled self emerge in 2024 in full glory! It's time and has been - let's do this!