Ep 41: Jenna Ballard - Maniac on A Mission

MANIAC ON A MISSION - meet Jenna Phillips Ballard. Jenna is a powerhouse leading a movement to CHANGE THE WORLD. Going from bullying and a head trauma that was suppose to leave her debilitated, Jenna rose to her greatness and never stopped. One of my teachers and inspirations, Jenna is fiercely unapologetic about every woman being who she is meant to me. She tells you exactly where you can find the permission slip!

​What You'll Learn in this Episode

  • How to step in your Leader and make a huge impact in the world

  • What responsibility means even in situations that are painful

  • The meaningful way you can be seen in this world

Nuggets of Wisdom from Jenna​

  • Tragic things don't happen to you, they happen FOR you.

  • This world will cease to exist in 50 years if we don't make a BIG change

  • When we come together as a team, instead of being divided, that's where the impact and greater vision will come to life

Links from this Episode


Ep 42: Fall (F-word Monologue)


Ep 40: Frequency (F-word Monologue)