Ep 134: Frontpage (F-word Monologue)

​Is the only option if you're not private to end up on the frontpage? Or is there something in the middle... What if you let go of privacy to create deeper connections by sharing your vulnerability?

We've been taught to keep things really private but at what point is it too much?

Tune in to hear why I make the case for sharing openly and moving away from keeping everything "private".

As somebody who was super private, I know the stifled feeling that can bring. However, letting go of the control, I found the more open I became, the greater impact I made, along with creating deeper connections. It really is in our openness that we find freedom.

And it's your turn to be on the frontpage of your life!

​What You'll Learn in this Episode

  • What does it mean to feel shame?

  • How vulnerability creates deeper, richer connections

  • Why you get to be the frontpage of your life 

Nuggets of Wisdom from Shazia

  • And so it was honestly a letting go of the control, a letting go of having to control the narrative, the story what people think of me, when at the end of the day, I don't control anything. I don't control even one thing. 

  • There's a freedom to be on the front page because you know what, everybody knows now and it is so liberating. It's so liberating to not have to try so hard. It's so liberating to not have to fake it. It's so liberating to just be able to breathe. 

  • I feel like there's nothing in the world now that's bad. You're going to be just fine. You're going to be just fine by being open by being vulnerable. And by letting go of the shame because there is nobody I have met. Nobody that doesn't have something shameful, or that they believe is shameful because everybody has gone through something difficult. Everybody has things that are in their lives or have been that don't fit into the norm.

Links from this Episode


Ep 135 : A'magine - Pleasure Activist


Ep 133: Kristel David - Wifey Wisdom