Ep 167: Antonio Glenn - A Candid Conversation with My Hubby
Here's the episode many of you have been waiting for! Come into our "bedroom" literally. My husband and I recorded this episode in our bedroom closet (for acoustics, of course ;)).
We answer ALL your questions about marriage, relationships, and life. If you are wanting to understand your husband better or looking to find one... This episode is for you!
What You'll Learn in this Episode
What keeps a man in a relationship
How to make a relationship stronger
Nuggets of Wisdom from Antonio
A tree doesn't grow tall and strong without the wind. The wind blows it and it bends over and it gets stronger, and it grows, and that's where it gets its strength. And so you can see that wind of whatever it is, it could be internal conflict, it could be external forces at work. But those kinds of things play a role in your relationship and make your relationship stronger.
We do have activities that we can do together things that we can do independently. In a relationship, people should still have some autonomy to do their own thing. They need some independence.
We really worked hard on not saying things that would put that dagger or really hurt that person because you can't take it back once you say it. You're going to wake up with that person in the morning...do you want to do something that's going to cause irreparable harm to your relationship, and that you can't take back? So always be kind and be aware and then that person will appreciate it.